Michigan State Grange
2023-2024​ Michigan State Grange Officers

Master: Christopher Johnston
O​verseer: Sharon Popler
​Lecturer: Jackie Bishop
​Steward: Tim Johnston
​Asst. Steward: Richard Hazen
​​Lady Asst. Steward: Nancy Swainston
​​Chaplain: Jeff Swainston
​Treasurer: Kevin Young​
​Secretary: Peggy Johnston
​​Gatekeeper: Randy Cebulski
​Ceres: Maria Lopez
​Pomona: Mary Beth Bower
​Flora: Tricia Eidsmoe
​Executive Committee: Barbara Johnston, Dale Moore, Tom Smith
​Pianist: Kevin Young

Views since 2015 State Session
Starting October 19, 2015
PBS's "Spotlight On"
​The Grange Video

Click here to view

Get the new quarterly publication from The National Grange!
The year subscription is only $16.00.

​​Get it for yourself, your Grange or as a gift for another member or even that potential member!

Click this link to subscribe​​
Michigan Farmer Hall
of Fame

Want to join the Michigan Farmer Hall of Fame??  Click the links below for the applications to either be inducted or join as a member.

Click here to apply to be inducted into the Michigan Farmer Hall of Fame

Click here to apply as a member of the Michigan Farmer Hall of Fame

Michigan Grange Pins

Available for $3.00 each, if shipped, will cost more.

Contact the State Secretary to purchase or to sell.

Still have pins for sale!
Views since 2021 State Session
Starting November 5, 2021​
Click Here for the 2023-2024
​Michigan State Grange Program Book

Check out all the exciting new contests to enter for our State Session!
Grangers and friends from around the country enjoyed Grange Revival 3.0 in Curtis, Michigan this past summer.

You don’t want to miss your chance to ensure your participation in Grange Revival 4.0 in Torrey, Utah in July 2025 – registration is now open!
Save the Dates of July 21-27, 2025 for the 4th Grange Revival – Granging with your feet up!

Visit http://grange.biz/2025revivalregistration to register for the next Grange Revival, then make your reservations for your campsite, too. Visit http://www.grangerevival.com for more information.